Faster Pussycat





Pussycat dolls 는 들어보았지만 서도. Faster Pussycat 이라는 이름은....

낯설었는데.. Faster Pussycat이라는 밴드의 음악을 듣고서야... 아하!!!!






그들의 곡 House Of Pain 이다

이곡은 내 기억에 Slow Rock Vol.1 에 수록된 그들의 곡이다.

나도 그때 들었던 기억을 여전히 지울수가 없었다.




말그대로 슬로우 락들을 모아놓은 앨범인대.

구성이 상당히 좋았다라는거.... 집에 CD가 있는지 없는지 모르겠다.

쳐박아 놓고 듣지를 않으니 원....


조금은 우울한 느낌의 House Of Pain



a little past supper-time

I'm still out on the porch step siting on my behind

waiting for you


wondering if everything is alright

momma said "come in boy, don't waste your time"

I said "I,ve got timme. Well he'll be here soon"


five yeears old and talking to myself

where were you? where'd you go?

daddy can't you tell?



I'm not trying to fake it

and I ain't the one to blame

there's no one home

in my house of pain

I didn't write these pages

and my script's been rearranged

no, there's no one home

in my house of pain



wasn't I worth the time

a boy needs a daddy like a dnace to mime and all the time

I looked up to you


I paced my room a million times

and all I ever got was one big lie, the same old lie

how could you?


well, I was eighteen and still talking to myself

where were you? where'd you go?

daddy cna't you tell?


Chorus 반복


And I'm alone again

well if I learned anything frome this..  it's how to live on my own










들어보면 흥겨운 곡들도 있다는.....

밴드명을 지대로 모르니 그동안 House Of Pain 만 막연히 기억히고 있었다.




앨범 좀 찾아봐야 쓰겄다.



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